The art of learning Spanish online on your own in the comfort of your home.
Learning Spanish online on your own, or self-learning, consists of learners becoming their own teacher and acquiring knowledge through interest, based on the learning resources available to them. It is learning for the simple pleasure of learning, where the knowledge acquired is its greatest reward.
The main advantages of this form of learning are the flexibility of study time and its low cost, around €5 (or less) per month.
Table of contents
1. Is it possible to learn Spanish online on your own?
2. What is the best method for learning Spanish online on your own?
3. What resources are useful for learning Spanish online on your own?
4. How do I stay motivated when learning Spanish online on your own?
5. How much time do I need to learn Spanish online on your own?
6. What does Lengalia recommend if I want to learn Spanish online on your own?
When learning Spanish, success depends on the time and effort students dedicate to mastering the language, according to their ability, level or needs. Learning Spanish online requires discipline, but sometimes there are other challenges, such as not having enough time and/or money to hire a private teacher. For this reason, and thanks to the variety of online self-study Spanish courses now available, more and more people are saying, "I want to learn Spanish online on my own".
The benefits of studying Spanish online are many: comfort, autonomy, cost, quality, and efficiency, among others. Times are changing, and now learning takes place beyond the physical walls of a classroom. New technologies have transformed both how we learn and how we understand the world. Therefore, if I want to learn Spanish online on my own, not only is it possible, but it brings many more advantages than learning in a traditional way.
Online Spanish courses will offer you all of the following advantages:
- They are more appealing and motivating.
- You can decide when, how and where to study. You can make much more effective use of your downtime, without having to travel anywhere else or even leave the comfort of your own home.
- You have a multitude of resources at your fingertips thanks to the internet.
- Finally, you can put aside your shyness and start practising your pronunciation.
You are probably wondering, "Where do I start looking for information if I am thinking of learning Spanish online on my own?” You will find that the options and resources available for studying Spanish on the internet are many and varied. You will be able to choose from different online courses with methods designed by experts to make learning online much easier for you. In this way, you will be able to integrate vocabulary, grammar, vocabulary learning, verb conjugation, etc. in a logical, progressive, sustainable and motivating way.
Nowadays, you can learn Spanish online on your own in a much simpler and more comfortable way. Those who decide to follow this path will have virtual teachers at their disposal who will help them to understand how the Spanish language works, how to improve their results and how to track their progress so they can continue to move forwards. All you need is a good method, the right course for your level, the necessary tools and some motivation.
When we set out to achieve a goal, we need to draw up a plan of action. The same applies if you want to learn Spanish online on your own! It doesn't have to be an extensive plan or outline, but it should contain some details about the method you are going to follow or how many hours a week you are going to (or intend to) dedicate to your learning.
Life has probably already taught you that organisation is a key element in achieving your goals. It is the same with learning Spanish on your own. Drawing up a study plan will ensure that you don't get lost along the way and will help you to keep your long-term goals in mind. When deciding to learn Spanish it is very important to adopt a dynamic method, which is flexible and adapts both to new goals and changing needs.
To do this, it is important to divide the learning according to the different elements that make up a language: grammar, vocabulary, reading comprehension, listening comprehension, pronunciation, etc. It is then important to make sure that each part of your study plan targets these goals.
In addition, deciding on the best method for learning Spanish online on your own can be difficult because each has strengths and weaknesses. The nature of each student's goals will determine which method is best for them.
Every learner has different needs and talents, so you need a learning method that really targets your goals. At Lengalia we use a method for learning Spanish online on your own that is based on learning paths. These paths are adapted to each student so that they can progress independently and at their own pace.
The learning paths followed in our courses have been designed by professionals. These learning paths place emphasis on acquiring a solid base knowledge, which is gradually developed until mastery of the Spanish language is achieved. Our learning paths are very useful for students who think, "I want to learn Spanish online on my own, but I don't know where to start,” or “Which course or portal is right for me", as ours is an autonomous process which requires clear structure for proficiency in Spanish. Our method will help you during your learning process as it offers you a series of benefits:
- Carefree. We know that learning Spanish online on your own can mean double the effort as you will have to organise yourself in order to progress in the right way. In all our courses (from level A0 to C2), we will guide you step by step.
- Individual. We have Spanish courses designed for complete beginners as well as advanced courses that will help you to achieve a good command of Spanish without the need to attend classes in person.
- Confidence. At Lengalia you will find useful tools that you can use to advance your learning. Progress at your own pace with the help of our "Virtual Teacher" tool.
- Motivation. Motivation is a very important aspect of independent learning. In our courses you will achieve stars for each correctly completed exercise.
- Evaluation. We provide a detailed overview of your learning progress to allow you to accurately evaluate your learning.
- Sustainability. Repetition and review of what you have learned are very important in ensuring you retain the knowledge you have learned.
As already mentioned, Lengalia's online Spanish courses for learning Spanish on your own are based on the use of learning paths, themselves based on interrelated skills that will enable you to build and connect the different elements of language on a solid foundation. To do this, we follow the recommendations defined in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). Among the objectives pursued by our method for learning Spanish online, it is worth highlighting the following:
- To acquire a base knowledge. When you start learning Spanish online on your own, you need to know some of the basics of the language, allowing you to establish a solid base on which to increase your confidence throughout the learning process.
- To learn vocabulary. At Lengalia we believe that vocabulary is very important in the early stages of learning. Even if the grammar is not yet perfect, knowing the most commonly used words in Spanish will help you express your ideas. Our vocabulary trainer will be your best friend in this process.
- To learn Spanish grammar. We cannot forget about grammar: it is very difficult to learn Spanish without understanding how the different elements of a sentence are related. With our courses you will learn the rules of grammar and how they are related to each other.
- To improve written Spanish. Once you have a good base knowledge of grammar and vocabulary, it is a good idea to start putting what you have learnt into practice. Written Spanish is part of active learning, which is fundamental for consolidating knowledge.
- To improve listening comprehension in Spanish. Listening to dialogues in Spanish will help you to become familiar with the sounds of the language, to reproduce them and to correct pronunciation errors.
- To use the Spanish language. You may be asking yourself, "How do I start using the language if I have decided to learn Spanish online on my own?” It is clear that practising the language you are studying will help you gain confidence and learn from your mistakes. There are many online language exchange websites where you can chat for free with Spanish speakers anywhere in the world.
- To improve your Spanish language skills. If you already have some knowledge of Spanish, Lengalia also offers specialised courses to expand your vocabulary and learn the structures specific to each professional field.
Nowadays, it is becoming easier and more convenient to learn Spanish online on your own. The internet has revolutionised our way of life, to the point of being an almost indispensable tool for a wide variety of tasks that can help you achieve your goals.
The internet opens the door to dynamic learning, characterised by constant change, where learning lives, grows, connects and extends beyond the boundaries of the classroom. Here are just a few examples:
- Online courses. Many online courses are a great support for learning Spanish on your own. By not having a teacher, these courses are self-paced, meaning you can go at your own pace and practice whenever you have some downtime.
- Apps. Language learning apps are also very useful. Some use an interactive method via games while others are more educational.
- Online dictionaries. Online dictionaries offer a convenient translation of a word or expression into your native language.
- YouTube channels. It has never been easier to practise your listening comprehension. With the videos available on YouTube you can study at any level.
- Language exchange websites. Practising your spoken Spanish is important for your progress. For this, there are numerous websites offering language exchanges, either online or in your hometown, and they are free of charge.
- Grammar guides. Grammar guides will provide you with detailed explanations of Spanish grammar, as well as thousands of exercises.
In addition to the resources that are available on the internet, Lengalia offers you a wide range of tools for learning Spanish online on your own.
- A Spanish vocabulary trainer that will allow you to learn new words and retain them in your memory.
- Our Spanish verb conjugator, a tool for practising regular and irregular verbs. You can also listen to their pronunciation.
- Lengalia also has an Spanish online translator. It is very useful, as you can automatically add new vocabulary together with its translation to your personal vocabulary trainer.
- The voice recorder is an essential tool for learning Spanish online on your own: it allows you to instantly compare your pronunciation with that of a native speaker.
- In addition, you will be supported at all times by the "Virtual Teacher" who will answer any doubts or queries you might have.
It is often difficult for students who decide to learn Spanish online on their own to know whether they are making progress or whether they are still stuck at the starting line. Often one of the biggest problems faced by students who choose to learn Spanish online is staying motivated throughout the whole process.
When we decide to study Spanish, we feel eager and strong enough to keep going. However, in order to succeed and make progress in the learning process, discipline is also essential, especially when you choose to learn Spanish online on your own. You will need to study and practice Spanish regularly, even if it is only for a few minutes every day, as this is the only way to become proficient in the language.
There are many strategies available to suit the different learning styles and lifestyles of learners:
- One of the best ways to stay inspired and motivated is to do what you enjoy. Find ways to make learning Spanish a hobby.
- It is essential to set a timetable and stick to it. However, we know that unforeseen events can arise, so this timetable can be flexible and change on a weekly basis. Don't forget that it is better to study in short bursts more often than doing a single study session once a week.
- Make use of your free time, e.g. the underground ride to work or after dinner. Perhaps instead of watching TV every evening after dinner, you could use that time to study Spanish, watch a series or read a book in Spanish.
- Vary your learning materials and resources: this will prevent boredom and keep you motivated. If you don't feel like studying grammar one day, take the opportunity to watch a series in Spanish. You can adapt your learning process to your mood to make the most of your study time.
- Finally, keep track of your progress. This will not only help you know that you are close to your goals, but will also inspire you when you feel stuck at a certain level.
When learning Spanish online on your own, it is very important to set a goal and then establish guidelines to help you achieve it. To do this, you will need to measure your progress in Spanish. This can be done easily and in a number of ways.
- For example, check your progress by keeping a diary! Diary entries can include a record of the activities or study tasks you do each day.
- You could record yourself speaking on video or audio. This would also allow you to review previous recordings and see how you have progressed.
- Another way to measure your progress in Spanish is to conduct periodic tests. These can be integrated into the materials you already use and, when it comes time to repeat the test, you will find it much easier.
- At Lengalia we have a "Learning Statistics" tool, which gives you a detailed summary of your progress. When you learn Spanish online on your own with one of our courses, the statistics reflect your learning progress. In this way, you can comfortably check which skills or grammar topics you need to learn or revise.
In short, if you are thinking, "I would like to work out how much time it would take me to learn Spanish online on my own", you need to keep a number of factors in mind. If you have limited time, remember that it is important to dedicate a few minutes each day to studying Spanish.
Remember, we can give you all the advice in the world but you must also have the necessary tools and motivation to get the results you want. So here is what we recommend in a nutshell:
- Find out your level of Spanish. This will determine what you already know and what you need to learn to achieve your goals. It’s best to take an online level test as these are free and provide you with a speedy result.
- Make a study plan. A study plan is basically a map showing the progress you aim to follow. In other words, it’s about finding out how long you want the process to take and how much time you can spend per day or week. Ideally, create a plan for what you will do during each study session.
- Gather high-quality resources. Part of having a structured plan is gathering all the resources you might need. Remember that using multiple resources keeps you from getting bored or discouraged. At the very least, you should have a resource that focuses on each area of the language and helps you make progress in all skills, namely listening, speaking, reading, writing and grammar.
- Create a dynamic routine. The great thing about learning a language is that the process can be fun and enriching. In addition to learning grammar and vocabulary, you can focus on reading articles on topics that interest you written in Spanish, watching films or series, listening to podcasts, etc.
- Or simply sign up for an online Spanish course to learn Spanish on your own at Lengalia. Our online Spanish courses are designed for students interested in learning at their own pace and independently. We offer a method for learning Spanish adapted to this purpose. In order to achieve the objectives set for each level and/or course, we use learning paths, that is, a planned sequence of learning resources to be studied in order to achieve the desired results. Read more about the benefits of our learning paths here.
- Don't get too hung up on creating the perfect plan, the plan can change as you go along. The important thing is to get started. Mastering Spanish is not a matter of luck, it's about being consistent and knowing when you need to move forward or back in your learning (you can tell this by looking at your learning statistics).
Ultimately, your success depends on you. Here are some recommendations:
• Focus your attention on each exercise you do.
• Learn to enjoy the journey. You'll get there sooner than you think and you’ll feel like every step was worth it.
• Keep your focus. It is important to concentrate your attention on the goal you want to achieve.
• Ask yourself every day, "What can I do today to achieve my goal?” No matter how much time you can spend today learning Spanish online on your own, what is important is to maintain your enthusiasm, passion and conviction.
All the advice in the world is not enough without the tools, the right method for learning Spanish online on your own and the motivation to achieve the results you hope for.